…and nuthin’s plenty for us.
Ho yus. Bin pretty full on ever since we arrived in Cambodia – all cities ‘n culture & no rest for the wicked, so it’s nice to find ourselves in a place where there’s really very little to do but chill. Made a heuuluva start to it last night – lights out by about 10, then we slept right through till approaching nine this morning. Virle did have a break in the middle after being woken by a bottle of skin cream hurling itself off the shelf in the middle of the night for no apparent reason, but basically we slept for getting on 11 hours.
Since then we’ve done little but potter around, lie on the beach, read, do a bit of snorkeling and a bit of yoga, and eat. Thereby, I suspect, setting a pattern for the rest of the week. That won’t be all we do – we do have a hike or two planned, as well as a bit more snorkeling (it’s really pretty good, with even some live coral to be seen, which is nice) – but that’s probably about it. This is a very small island, and there aren’t even roads and tuk tuks. If you want to go anywhere, you walk. And there aren’t even very many trails. There are rumours of a lighthouse – we may find our way there. And there appears to be a village of sorts on the other side of the island – we may well wend our way there at some point. But really, chilling is definitely the order of the day. Well, that and taking poncy pretentious pics…
It suddenly occurs to me, I have neglected to say what this here tiny island is called. Koh Rong Sanloem. Find it on a map if you can.