The finale – and it worked out grand

Cave off Cat Ba, Vietnam

Not the most promising start, as we opened the curtains to the first pouring rain we’ve seen in many a week. Oo-er. But the forecasts were promising all day sunshine! But the forecasts have been consistently wrong. But, but…

Oh well, it’ll be what it’ll be. We’re going to have a great last day, whatever happens. And you know what? We did!

We’d booked for a day’s trip to the islands. A day on the boat with sunshine (hopefully) and swimming and kayaking and generally making the most of our last day before we have to take the silver bird back to reality. By the time we’d finished breakfast, the rain had stopped, and there was even the occasional glimmer of sunshine struggling through. Hopeful signs…

We waited in the lobby for our pickup, with a nice young couple from Australia, swapping tales of travel and derring do. Though they hadn’t done much derring yet, being only a week out from Perth on their year off trip! Jobs ditched, flats left, the whole bit. After we’d been waiting for quite a while, we were summoned to a taxi at the kerb, learning later that the original mini van had called half an hour earlier, but the very nice guide had unaccountably failed to register us, picking up one other punter and leaving. Anyway, we scurried down to the port, got fast-tracked through ticket control and onto the boat, and away we went.

And in truth, there’s not a great deal to say about it. We did have a lovely day, swimming and kayaking and all, including a really nice lunch, but what can you say other than the sun was mostly out and we counted our blessings. And, of course, took photois.

Khao Sok National Park, Thailand
Cat Ba, Vietnam
Cat Ba, Vietnam

The top one being the delightfully named Chopstick Island.

So that is pretty much that. We’re off to take out our last 3 million dong, to see us through the trip back to Hanoi and a visit to the market, where we hope to pick up a gewgaw or a knick knack or something at least to remind us of our trip, having thus far come up with nothing but a few shells from a beach (“They’re just a few shells” – V), then a last  bowl of pho, then with any luck a well-earned good last sleep before tomorrow’s bus to Hanoi.

Cat Ba, Vietnam

Thanks again Vietnam – it’s been great. Again.

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