Southeast Asia '24

Southeast Asian Odyssey '24

Starting out in Kuala Lumpur, with our sights set on up to three months in Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and the northern part of Vietnam we couldn’t visit last year on account of the season.  (Also available without the blather, at

National park, Cat Ba, Vietnam
A hospital in a hill and a walk in the park
Well that was full on. We’d decided to hire a bike and head off to the national park, and go for a bit of a trek. First stop was ‘Hospital cave’, which we’d...
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Cave off Cat Ba, Vietnam
The finale - and it worked out grand
Not the most promising start, as we opened the curtains to the first pouring rain we’ve seen in many a week. Oo-er. But the forecasts were promising all day sunshine! But the...
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Hanoi, Vietnam
Hanoi, oh boy
Well I thought that was that. But I’d forgotten the stopover in Hanoi. How could I forget a stopover in Hanoi. Only a few hours, but a few hours in Hanoi is different.   We had...
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