Up at the crack for our 8 o’ clock pickup, joining a Land Rover full of young backpackers for the ride up to the highest of the highlands, to visit the second largest plantation of Malaysia’s largest tea company, now kingdom of the third generation of the Scottish family who established it between the wars.
And a winding, pot-holed, juddering ride it was too. Significantly improved after a rest stop when V negotiated a promotion to the comfier seats. The youngsters relinquished them with admirable grace. People don’t mess with V when she’s on a mission.
Very beautiful it was up there – all the green we’d been looking forward to, shrouded in a swirling mist. Then a guided tour of the factory, still using machines installed in 1935, all permeated with a rich, warm, delicious aroma.
Then back in the Land Rover for part two of today’s adventure: a walk in Mossy Forest. Aptly named, beautiful, but I have to admit my appreciation was somewhat tempered by poor wardrobe choices that left me at the mercy of the cloud, a biting wind, and continual dripping from the trees above. V kindly donated her brolly, which helped, but still.
On the way down I expressed my surprise that Land Rovers hadn’t been displaced by Toyotas. Our cheerful driver assured me it was pure practicality: “These old Land Rovers are indestructible.”
Letting us off at the end of the trip, he highly recommended an Indian restaurant where we have indeed just enjoyed a delicious dinner, accompanied by a stunning sunset. Followed by a triumph at cribbage. Huzzah!